Welcome to my blog! My name is Melinda Gray, and I am currently studying Professional Writing at Champlain College in Burlington, Vermont. Shades of Melinda Gray showcases some of my creative non-fiction prose and poetry.

At the Movies

It is dark
But from the
Of the movie
Screen, I can
Your face.

I cannot focus
On the titan movie
‘Cause all I
Want to do
Is watch
You just
Being cute you.

I put my
Hand in your
Pocket and
Play with your
Car keys
As you watch
The screen.

You look at
Me looking at
And you give me
That smile
The one that stops
My heart.
You lean
In towards me
And give me
A great big
Kiss as our
3D glasses hit
And we laugh.

Now we’re snuggled
On the sofa at my
Place, and I’m
Watching you
Watch my TV
And I’m writing about
How crazy I am

About you.